May 12, 2014

Harsh Response To Michelle Obama's #Bringbackourgirls Photo

There has been a swift response to Michelle Obama, firstlady of the United States posting her own picture joining the campaign to return the school girls taken by Boko Haram in Nigeria.

She posted the picture below:
Michelle Obama
But before you can say Jack!! Some people have used the same pictures to campaign against President Barack Obama's drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. There have been photoshoped images like the one's below:

There have been numerous twitter hashtags like,#Dronestrikes, #Obama, #Enddronestrikes, #Wecantbringbackourdead, #Bringbackyourdrones and much more.

There was even a photoshoped image of the Pakistani girl, Malala Yousafzi holding an anti-drone poster.
Malala's Photoshoped Poster.